
Examples of projects and studies completed

Petex DOF Revitalisation (IVM|IFM|MC) | (PROSPER|GAP)

Scope of Work : Petex DOFPetex DOF
Client Location : Qatar 
Brief Description : 
  • Assess the Petex DOF deployment which has become obsolete due to little updates of the models and well additions/updates.
  • Resolve issues identified with the system and ensure it is restored to its operational design.
  • Update the system with the new wells, jackets and other facilities that have been added and changed in the field.
  • Update the PROSPER and GAP models to match the current surveillance and production data.
  • Provide training/mentoring to the Petroleum Engineers and guideline notes/manuals on how to maintain the system.


New Development Project | Digitalisation Review

Scope of Work : Digitalisation Review
Client Location : Abu Dhabi, UAE
Brief Description : 
  • Reviewed overall system design for both Digitalization and Control Systems in view of the objective for reduced manning.
  • Provided feedback and recommendations for both COMPANY and MAC that can further improve the proposed systems to ensure that manning levels can be maintained at a minimum while also ensuring maximised efficiency and ensure increased reliability and system performance for the life of the project.
  • All available and proven technologies were reviewed that would be a game changer to reduce manning levels.


Petex Integrated Production Modeling Mbal | Prosper | GAP

Scope of Work : Full Asset Model
Client Location : Doha, Qatar
Brief Description : 
  • Review the behaviour of a deep water (1.5km) gas reservoir. Build an MBal multi-tank model that accurately represents the performance of the reservoir.
  • Update the Prosper models to accurately represent the completion, match the PVT and the production tests to ensure the models accurately calculate the well rates.
  • Update the GAP model ensuring the true seabed-to-surface topology is captured and match the model with the available production and pressure data.
  • Run various prediction scenarios to determine the different field development options and make recommendations.


Reservoir Engineering Review

Scope of Work : Asset Review / Due Diligence
Client Location : Doha, Qatar
Brief Description : 
  • Review of an asset presented to client by a potential partner to determine if the development plan was reasonable.
  • Carried out a thorough review including modelling (MBal/GAP/Prosper) to develop the depletion phase case and then used analytical methodology to evaluate the waterflood phase.


Complex Well Modelling

Scope of Work : Complex well modelling using GAP
Client Location : Abu Dhabi, UAE
Brief Description : 
  • Use of GAP to build a complex model to combine 2 Prosper models for 2 separate reservoirs producing from a single wellbore.
  • The Silverwell Energy DIAL technology is to be used to control the auto-lift gas lift rate from the gas reservoir to increase the flow from the oil reservoir.



Scope of Work : Digital Oilfield
Client Location : Norway
Brief Description : 
  • Build DOF model to optimise field. Total gaslift gas was reduced by 10%, oil rate for the fieldincreased by 14.6% (1109 Sm3/d)



Scope of Work : Digital Oilfield
Client Location : Norway
Brief Description : 
  • Build DOF model to optimise field and reduce conservatism in operating envelope.
  • Project value Acceleration effect on production: 10700 STB in 2019.


Asset IPM Build

Scope of Work : Integrated Production Modelling (IPM)
Client Location : Norway
Brief Description : 
  • Develop complex subsea network coupled with Eclipse and Unisim and run scenario management to optimise field development.
  • Network models found 500MM USD cost saving to the project.



Scope of Work : Digital Oilfield
Client Location : Kuwait 
Brief Description : 
  • Build and maintain DOF system for North Kuwait 1500 well DOF system used as centralised rate reporting tool, virtual metering, ESP surveillance and production data management system.



Scope of Work : Integrated Production Modelling (IPM)
Client Location : Algeria
Brief Description : 
  • Develop IPM model and optimise gaslift allocation for 55 wells.
  • Identify routing opportunities and compressor optimisation.


Asset IPM Build

Scope of Work : Integrated Production Modelling (IPM)
Client Location : Norway
Brief Description : 
  • Build IPM model and run optimisation studies.
  • Develop gas lift allocation methodology.
  • Develop well rate allocation methodology using physical models.
  • Develop centralised rate reporting tool using virtual metering.
  • Develop IPM model for Balder field life extension project.


Asset IPM Build

Scope of Work : Integrated Production Modelling (IPM)
Client Location : Bahrain
Brief Description : 
  • Build IPM model to secure stable gas production from Khuff reservoir for Kingdom of Bahrain for next 20 years. 
  • Built MBAL reservoir for Khuff.
  • Identify and mitigate iron sulphide flow assurance problems and optimise drilling queue.


Digital Oilfield

Scope of Work : Manage the Rumaila Digital Oilfield Project
Client Location : Southern Iraq
Brief Description : 
  • Design of the entire Digital Oilfield system instrumentation-communication-data centre-monitoring centre-data management.
  • Build the entire Petex DOF platform servers-software configuration-model building (Prosper/GAP/MBal)-workflow application (MC/IFM)-trends and visualisation (IVM).


Concept Design for well hook ups | flowlines

Scope of Work : Concept design for single well flowlines vs. clustering option scenarios
Client Location : Southern Iraq
Brief Description : 
  • Considered different options for field development well including vertical well + individual flowlines, well clustering + combined flowlines and in-between solutions .
  • Evaluated the CAPEX of wells + surface as well as operability of different systems incl. production system optimisation, control and metering .


Giant field reservoir review

Scope of Work : Kirkuk reservoir characterisation and performance review
Client Location : Northern Iraq
Brief Description : 
  • Review of Kirkuk field reservoir performance and determine the drive mechanisms that govern the production.
  • Determine most appropriate further depletion plan to maximise recover rate and reserves.


PIFA (Preliminary Installation Failure Report)

Scope of Work : Devise a procedure to understand ESP failures prior to pulling
Client Location : Southern Iraq
Brief Description : 
  • Devised a procedure and process that will be followed by the ESP teams to establish a PIFA.
  • Implemented the PIFA on 6 months of ESP failures (approximately 10) and implement improvements on new installations.


Asset IPM Build

Scope of Work : Integrated Production Modelling (IPM)
Client Location : Southern Iraq
Brief Description : 
  • Determine the modelling philosophy for the asset.
  • Build individual well models in Prosper for all wells.
  • Create the integrated model using GAP for each of the producing assets.


Production Enhancement Activity Review

Scope of Work : Wellwork opportunity review through well stock reviews
Client Location : Southern Iraq
Brief Description : 
  • Prepare materials for well review sessions to cover entire well stock.
  • Run well review sessions with multi-disciplined team to determine production enhancement activities.


Exploration and Appraisal Programme

Scope of Work : PVT laboratory tender / PVT studies, 2010
Client Location : Libya
Brief Description : 
  • PVT laboratory tender and PVT studies evaluation


Exploration and Appraisal Programme

Scope of Work : Field development plans / appraisal reports, 2009 - 2011
Client Location : Libya
Brief Description : 
  • Full field development planning including full field simulation runs.
  • Development scenario assessment with P10, P50 and P90 profiles.
  • Production / Injection well requirements, facility requirements including optimum plateau determine.


Exploration and Appraisal Programme

Scope of Work : Pressure Transient Analysis / Well Test Design, 2008 - 2010
Client Location : Libya
Brief Description : 
  • Design of DST / well test string for exploration and appraisal wells.
  • Design of the well test programme to meet design objectives including kH, skin, reservoir characteristics, faults, boundaries etc.
  • Interpretation of the pressure transient data in line with the design requirements.