Reservoir Engineering

Our reservoir engineers use the latest technology and software alongside extensive experience based knowledge. We have worldwide experience of different geological settings and drainage mechanisms to support optimization of your asset value.
Our technical team can carry out a vast array of Reservoir Engineering tasks including:

• Classical reservoir engineering
• Numerical reservoir modeling
• Production forecasting
• Decline curve analysis
• Welltest design and interpretation using advanced PTA
• SCAL & RCAL core analysis
• Development planning, optimal well placement for vertical, deviated and horizontal wells
• Reservoir fluid analysis (PVT) including equation of state, flow assurance
• Well design optimization
• Economic modelling
• Reserves evaluation to SEC standard

Reservoir engineering for conventional reservoirs

• Reservoir simulation for depletion, waterflooding, thermal recovery, miscible flooding EOR
• Classical reservoir engineering (material balance, fractional flow, well testing)
• Historical performance analysis to identify infill drilling targets (vertical and horizontal wells)
• Health check of current reservoir performance and recommendations going forward
• Integrated reservoir studies
• Comprehensive clastic, carbonate and fractured reservoir models
• QC and validation for static geological models prior to dynamic modelling.

Reservoir engineering for unconventional reservoirs

• Production analysis of horizontal multi-staged fractured wells
• Review to determine optimal treatment parameters for horizontal multi-stage fractured wells
• Production type curve determination for evaluation and prospecting
• Detailed modelling of all aspects of well performance (from fracture placement to production)