Digital Oilfield

Our digital oilfield engineers use the latest technology, both hardware and software alongside extensive experience-based knowledge. We are one of the few companies in the world that have the experience and capability to deploy a full turnkey Digital Oilfield product.
Our technical team can offer bespoke and customized Digital Oilfield to meet the client’s needs:

• Full review of any current systems that the client already has in place and suggestions to the client for improvements that may add value to their business
• Instrumentation at the well sites, remote sites such as manifolds and processing facilities
• Communication links for remote sites to be connected back to the data centre
• Real-time data filtering and data cleaning to ensure useful data is stored within the historian
• Working with the client to deliver a non-real-time data database that captures all the relevant information in an organized and structured manner for easy accessibility
• Relevant PI historian structuring with back-up system where necessary and tag allocations
• Global database structure that allows all relevant non-real-time data to be captured and stored such that it can be easily accessed as necessary by the DOF software
• Relevant reservoir, well and facility models to ensure the integrated model accurately represents the true system behaviour
• Implementation of standard and bespoke workflows that allows production to be monitored and controlled through triggers, alarms and flags for improvement
• Reporting and forecasting using the models, data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning
•Building a monitoring centre to allow the client to adequately monitor the production system with trained personnel
• Organisational capability improvement through training, mentoring and coaching

Digital Oilfield benefits

• Monitor and control production and reduce production system losses
• Utilisation of all of the data that has been captured through expensive surveillance campaigns
• Understanding and determination of the system limits and issues
• Opportunity generation through optimisation
• Reduce system component failures such as ESP’s through rigorous monitoring and automated workflows Increase the workforce efficiency by focusing staff on the most important and relevant events, e.g. identification of ceased wells post shutdown start ups